Sunday, February 10, 2008

A writing weekend

I spent this weekend with a majority of my RWA chapter at a writing retreat. Lovely facilities, good food, a little booze, lots of laughs and much writing. Friday night was socializing, as we yabbered at each other and pretty much ignored our laptops (I did anyway.) Saturday was better. I cranked up the music, plopped on my headphones and knuckled down to write sex.
SEX, I tell you. Try to creatively put tab A in slot B while enhancing the relationship when a dozen or so fellow writers are shrieking with laughter in the next room. So unfair, she said, shaking her head. But imagine the understanding looks when I later announced, "I'm done with sex." (for this book) They've all been there. (And I know it wasn't all laughs, I saw lots of concentration. Could have been web surfing. . .nah.)
Except for a wickedly huge bag of M & M's, I pretty much stuck to the diet.
I am so close to finishing the Spell Breaker! Everyone is in tremendous trouble. I love it. I love writing short scenes, jumping from Lissa to Richard to Rue and making sure they have equal angst. They don't call it the Big Black Moment for nothing.
Now to get them all out and wrap up the loose ends.


Bronwyn Green said...

Yay Cheryl!!! I had such a blast this weekend and thank you again for my most awesome piratey fabric!!!

Jenny Trout said...

Did you bring those M&Ms? Because that was basically all I ate this weekend.