Monday, February 18, 2008

Geek Yoga

While scouring the bookstores/craftstores/local all-in-one grocery store for a specific craft magazine I had to have, I stumbled upon the bargain book pile. On top, a collection of >50 6" x 8" cards showing different yoga poses and how to accomplish them. Hmm, I say. And look, it's on sale! I plunk down my $4.99 and trot home.

Now, I've done yoga before, but it was in a class situation, and no poses lasted longer than 30 seconds. It was a keep-'em-moving class. Actually, the attendance was so low, they threw in belly-dancing at the end.

I followed the cards for mental fatigue and exhaustion and it seemed to work. I took a nap afterward.

As for the magazine, I finally found it after looking in four places. "Cloth Paper Scissors" which has some awesome cool stuff in it, none of which I'll probably do because it looks like rocket science collaging to me. I mean, jello for rubber stamps? And what is heavy gel medium? I think it's glue, but it's hard to say. Plus, I'd have to start collecting more stuff, and I have no room for the stuff I have now and don't use. Doesn't mean I won't go to a few more garage sales come spring. . .

1 comment:

Jenny Trout said...

Maybe it's ballistic gel. You can scrapbook with it, then fire bullets at it.