Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Trapped at home or a day off?

The weather killed my car. Or, it was terrorists. I blissfully opened the door this morning, threw my stuff on the passenger seat and turned the key. Nothing. Not even a whine or whimper. Dead air. My trusty little car had bit the dust. Or snowpile. As we are a one car family, and Mr. Why-Aren't-You-Writing had left in his company van for the day, I was stuck. I'm currently waiting for him to appear with a new battery, the favored CPR for D.O.A. vehicles. Do you know you can pick up the phone and order a car battery as easily as Chinese take-out? No deliveries, though.

So, a day at home with no schedule. The possibilities are endless, and the list in my mind keeps growing. Unlike other free days, I'll not squander this one (I am trapped, which takes away unnecessary diversions like shopping.)

Number one priority? Finish the first draft of The Spell Breaker. All but one of the Big, Black Moments have passed, it's on to the resolution and HEA. Gonna miss these guys. Especially Richard, because he's so damn hot.

The next step? Merging the four acts, breaking it into chapters and reading it through for logistical errors and unity. By next Friday, my self-imposed deadline to restart Tall, Dark and Slayer. Another case for CPR.

Here's Richard, in case you forgot:

Yum, yum, yum.


Brynn Paulin said...

Possibly assasins...probably your characters.

Bronwyn Green said...

Who could forget Richard? Did the car respond to the life saving measures?