Friday, November 2, 2007


I really don't have a full facial picture of Lissa, they're all like this one. Yeah, she has red hair. Longer, I think, and without the MayDay bouquet.
Yesterday's NaNo count - 10 pages. Don't be impressed, seven of those were from conception of the idea.
I have thirty-one scenes in the first half of the book on my spreadsheet. One a day. It won't be pretty, but this is the vomit draft, right?
Tonight - Richard's first POV scene. I have no idea what he has in store for me. On the other hand, I have several ideas for him (see yesterday's post, hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)


Brynn Paulin said...

I'm still gonna be impressed. Good work!!

Bronwyn Green said...

Love the photo of Lissa. Shuddering at the spreadsheet, but that's just me. :)