Day 16 after NaNo and my count is at 236. Which averages to two point something pages a day for December. I'd like to blame the holidays, but it's the dreaded BIC syndrome. Yes, butt in chair. Or futon, which is where I spend most of my evenings.
On the bright side, I have my tree up. And decorated. My room is clean. My nativitiy scene, personally handmade by moi several (several) years ago is on display. One tiny, tiny trip to the store will complete my shopping. Of course, I have two parties this week (gaak - three) at work which means some peanut butter fudge to be made, and the gearing up for the weekend, when my daughter returns home, but I should be able to squeeze some time out for writing, right?
Let us see what the page count is on January 1st.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
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1 comment:
Have a good time with your parties. I'm going to fake sick for every holiday function.
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