Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cat on loan and IKEA

Meet Griffin. He's on loan from my son and DIL. They're moving to a larger apartment and decided to give him up for adoption. Mr. Why-aren't-you-writing wasn't keen on the idea of us taking him, but I'm a cat person and insisted. As you can see, he's a very ambitious cat. Right now, he's curled up beside me. He's awfully skittish, so everytime I move or there's a noise, he's looking around. I'm hoping it's temporary and he'll start to feel more at home.
Yesterday, we went to IKEA near Detroit. It was a good day, (no snow) we all four had the day off, and we were ready to rumble. This was the third trip we've made there, so you'd think the glamor had worn off. We were in there for five hours. Unless you've been there, it's hard to imagine how one store can keep you captive for that long. The trick is a very winding pathway, with more delights just around the corner. I'm sure I walked ten miles. Son and DIL debated then bought then returned a kitchen table and chairs. My major purchase was wicker baskets and some round, stacking boxes and candles that match a poster I'm using to base my color scheme from. Good times.
In writing news, I've completed filling in all the holes in The Spell Breaker, and restructured a lot of sentences to end with a strong punch. Next? One more pass to add more non-verbal communication and the five sentences, then this puppy is done and I can move on (back?) to Tall, Dark and Slayer. It's very weird not having a word count goal every day.


Unknown said...

Cute cat!

We got a cat on loan, too. Mocha was only supposed to stay 2 or 3 weeks. That was about a year ago. Her owner never returned. Unfortunately, Mocha's very skittish, too. Poor thing barely ventures out of my daughter's room. But we love her and she's ours now.

Brynn Paulin said...

Congrats on being so close to 'finished"!!!

Bronwyn Green said...

You should keep Griffin...he's all sweet and alone and he likes you...

I *must* go see this store. It's sounds magical and a little scary all at the same time.

Congrats on almost done...however, you may want to consider senses instead of sentences. ;) Seriously, though - you rock!

Unknown said...

Good to see you again on my blog. How's your new visitor doing?