Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What is this mess?

Mr. Why-aren't-you-writing sometimes accuses me of being a puppy - everywhere I go, I leave puddles. In my case, paper. Piles of it. Stacks of it. Receipts, notes, articles to be files, newspaper clippings, etc. Within reach I have a receipt to Perkins that must be entered in the checkbook, my new health card, a partly finished synopsis, a spreadsheet for the last 150 pages of my WIP, a page from my Book-of-the-day calendar (I want to read most of them) and a report from the Denver Chief of Police regarding an officer-involved shooting this past January (I was doing research on non-lethal 9mm wounds.) Some of this stuff gets filed, some tossed and some of it breeds and takes over the futon.

What system do you have (if any) of controlling your paperwork?


Jenny Trout said...

Organization? What is this "organization" of which you speak?

Brynn Paulin said...

Paperwork control??? Never heard of it. I have paper EVERYWHERE.