Monday, January 14, 2008

Here's a treat for you

I've been remiss in updating my progress on "The Spell Breaker." I am on pg 291 (from zero on Nov. 1. No chapter breaks, so it's somewhere over 300.) As with the last two books, I have no idea what is going to happen when I start writing every night. Frustrating? Indeed. This I do know:
Character arcs are arcing
One of the villains will die and one will live
A secondary character will die
The heroine will find what she's been looking for all this time
There's a battle comin'
This picture is Rue, by the way. She's got spunk. And awesome hair. And a baby on the way, but I didn't know that when I started writing. Oh, those surprises. Don't you love 'em?


Bronwyn Green said...

Rue seems like a really fabulous character. I'm really wanting to read this!

Anonymous said...

Surprises can be good. Frustrating, but good.