Monday, November 26, 2007

Enchanted Beowulf

Weekend movies:
Enchanted, a Cool Whip of a movie, sweet and airy with a fly speck of Susan Sarandon (wicked stepmother) crunching scenes like they were Fritos. Disney pokes fun at itself in a sweeping, let's-everybody sing in Central Park kind of way. Grade: B+

Beowulf, the digital version. It's like watching video game characters act in a movie. Sometimes, they're eerily real (Ray Winstone, normally a pudgy Englishman now enhanced
to Gerard Butler 300 buffness) Sometimes they're wooden (Robin Wright Penn, oh, Buttercup, what has thou wrought?) Crispin Glover does his wacked out character routine, John Malkovich is John Malkovich and Anjelina is pretty much naked except for some strategically placed mud. If you can get over the digital characters (300 is way better) I'd give it B-

The score is excellent. Listen here:


Brynn Paulin said...

I can't wait to see Enchanted.

Bronwyn Green said...

I love 300...I also love to say Crispin Glover out loud. It's just plain fun.

Jenny Trout said...

We really don't want to see Beowulf... we saw Enchanted twice to avoid it... but the digital 3-D... it beckons to us...