Here is another picture of Lissa. As you can see, she's a very tortured individual. She just killed some more of the bad guys with her mind, but doesn't know how. The evil henchman is about to claim "dibs" on her as she appeared in his land first when she was summoned from Earth. Richard has to find a way to keep her, but there are strict laws on the losst, those without families. There's only one solution. . .
NaNo pages:97, chugging toward 100 by midnight.
Best lame-ass writing:(insert battle scene)
It's all about the word count, people.
See, I don't understand how you skip the battle scenes... when I'm writing, I'm usually putting (insert ECIF here) and then jumping straight to the exciting parts.
I am so sucked into this now. I want to know what happens...
Oooooo...I bet I know what happens next! :D
I know I said it Saturday, but I just love your book of wonder for this project - best one you've done yet!
Jen, want to write my battle scenes? I'll pay you in cookies.
The book of wonders is the key. Never start without one again.
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