What was your first writing goal? To finish a book? A scene? A sentence? Mine was to write the end of the book. I woke from a dream and had a the ending scene in my head. I didn't know these people, I had no idea what their beginning was, but I vowed to get them to the climatic end. (I learned about big, black moments later.)
After awhile, I realized I needed help, so I took a gigantic, courageous step and found a writing group. Then a critique group. I finished a book. And another. A contest was entered. A query letter was written. A writing conference was put on the calendar. Individual goals, but each was a step on the path to publication.
Were they part of a plan? Nothing I'd consciously put on paper. Do you want to leave your career to chance, or do you want concrete, constructive input? Get out a piece of paper, open a new Word file, uncap that dry-erase marker. Go ahead, I'll wait. (insert Jeopardy theme song) Ready? At the top, write your goal. Make it a big goal. Now write the thing that has to happen just before the goal becomes a reality. Write the action before that. And the one before that. Keep working backward until you are at where you are now. Guess what? You wrote a plan. Add some target dates for each mini-goal and you have a workable plan.
Now go out and make it a reality. I will.